Version 6.12.1 2023-06-20
Changes vs. 6.12.0
Upgrade notes
Known issues
Please see the 6.12.0 release notes for general known issues.
Rolling back
If rolling back earlier than 6.12.0, also see the 6.12.0 release notes.
Bug fixes
- emhttpd: remove "unraid" from reserved names list
- emhttpd: properly handle "ERROR" strings in 'btrfs filesystem show' command output
- emhttpd: prevent cmdStart if already Started
- network: Revised service reload functionality: ensures the services are only reloaded once
- network: rc.library: read IP addresses directly from interfaces instead of file
- network: NTP: fix listening interfaces
- network: NTP: exclude WG tunnels and user defined interfaces
- network: NTP: add interface name in config
- network: SSH: add interface name in config
- WebGUI: fix PHP8 warning in UPS Settings page
- WebGUI: Dashboard: show ZFS percentage based on c_max value
- WebGUI: Dashboard: suppress coloring of ZFS utilization bar
- WebGUI: Dashboard: other misc fixes
Linux kernel
- version 6.1.34
Base Distro
- ttyd: version 1.7.3 (fixes issue of invisible underbar characters with certain FireFox versions)
Security updates
- ca-certificates: version 20230506
- curl: version 8.1.2 (CVE-2023-28322 CVE-2023-28321 CVE-2023-28320 CVE-2023-28319)
- git: version 2.35.8 (CVE-2023-25652 CVE-2023-25815 CVE-2023-29007)
- ntp: version 4.2.8p17 (CVE-2023-26551 CVE-2023-26552 CVE-2023-26553 CVE-2023-26554 CVE-2023-26555)
- openssl: version 1.1.1u (CVE-2023-2650)
- openssh: version 9.3p1
- php: version 8.2.7
- libX11: version 1.8.6 (CVE-2023-3138)
- libssh: version 0.10.5 (CVE-2023-1667 CVE-2023-2283)
- zstd: version 1.5.5
With the Unraid Patch plugin installed, visit Tools → Unraid Patch to get the following patches / hot fixes:
- A subset of security updates, see this blog post for details. We recommend upgrading to the latest stable release for additional security updates.