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Version 6.9.2 2021-04-07

Failed Login Restrictions

For WebGUI login you now get 3 login attempts per IP address before a 15-minute cool off is enforced. Further, the timestamp of the last three failed login attempts per IP address are stored in files located in /var/log/pwfail/<ip-address>. Note this only applies to WebGUI login, not ssh or telnet.

Driver Updates

We updated the Nvidia vendor GPU driver to version 465.19.01. Use this handy plugin by Community Developer @ich777 to facilitate installing the correct driver.

Change Log vs. Unraid OS 6.9.1

Base distro

  • docker: version 20.10.5
  • fuse3: version 3.10.2
  • nginx: version 1.19.9
  • samba: verson 4.12.14 (CVE-2020-27840 CVE-2020-27840)

Linux kernel

  • version 5.10.28
  • include all CONFIGNF* modules
  • oot: realtek r8125: version 9.005.01


  • emhttpd: detect out-of-band device spin-up
  • shfs: add 'copy_file_range()' support
  • shfs: fix 'mknod' creating a fifo
  • WebGUI: login: implement max 3 failed login attempts per 15 minute interval
  • WebGUI: Fix links on notifications not being present if in summary display
  • WebGUI: Plugins: Move incompatible plugins to ../plugins-error
  • WebGUI: Fix missing CSRF when deleting pool
  • WebGUI: Fix .sweet-alert color
  • WebGUI: Translations adjustments
  • WebGUI: Diagnostics: Prevent double clicks on download button
  • WebGUI: Fix default usage thresholds not sending notification
  • WebGUI: Fix CSS background-color
  • WebGUI: Make diagnostics messages left aligned
  • WebGUI: Fixed javascript error in preventing settings to be saved
  • WebGUI: Update
  • WebGUI: Prevent autofilling of passwords on containers
  • WebGUI: Docker: Do not allow CPU pinning if no template present
  • WebGUI: Fix .sweet-alert .sa-icon color, * in the CSS