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Maintaining your data integrity, security, and privacy are of the utmost importance to us at Lime Technology. Below is a disclosure of what we store and relay when you use Unraid Connect. For more information, please see our policies page.

Data We Store

When a server signs in to, it opens a secure connection to our hosted infrastructure and sends just enough data so we can give you a meaningful overview of your servers in the Unraid Connect Dashboard. We do not keep historical data, just the most recent update from your server which includes:

  • Your server's hostname, description, and icon
  • Your server's keyfile details and flash GUID
  • Your server's Local Access URL
  • Your server's LAN IP, if an certificate is installed
  • Your server's Remote Access URL and WAN IP, if Remote Access is enabled
  • The version of Unraid that is installed, and its uptime
  • The version of the Unraid Connect plugin that is installed, and version / uptime of the unraid-api
  • The size of your array and the amount used (just numbers, no details about what is stored on the array)
  • The number of Docker Containers and VMs installed and started

Separate and unrelated to the Unraid Connect Dashboard, the Flash Backup service stores your server's configuration data.

This data is stored solely for the purpose of providing services to you through our platform and is not publicly accessible. To remove this data from our servers you must follow the procedure listed in the Uninstalling the plugin section as well as remove all SSL certificates generated for you through our Let's Encrypt partnership.