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CLI Commands


unraid-api start [--log-level <level>]

Starts the Unraid API service.


  • --log-level: Set logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error)


unraid-api stop [--delete]

Stops the Unraid API service.

  • --delete: Optional. Delete the PM2 home directory


unraid-api restart

Restarts the Unraid API service.


unraid-api logs [-l <lines>]

View the API logs.

  • -l, --lines: Optional. Number of lines to tail (default: 100)

Configuration Commands


unraid-api config

Displays current configuration values.

Switch Environment

unraid-api switch-env [-e <environment>]

Switch between production and staging environments.

  • -e, --environment: Optional. Target environment (production|staging)

Developer Mode

unraid-api developer

Configure developer features for the API (e.g., GraphQL sandbox).

API Key Management

API Key Commands

unraid-api apikey [options]

Create and manage API keys.


  • --name <name>: Name of the key
  • --create: Create a new key
  • -r, --roles <roles>: Comma-separated list of roles
  • -p, --permissions <permissions>: Comma-separated list of permissions
  • -d, --description <description>: Description for the key

SSO (Single Sign-On) Management

SSO Base Command

unraid-api sso

Add SSO User

unraid-api sso add-user
# or
unraid-api sso add
# or
unraid-api sso a

Add a new user for SSO authentication.

Remove SSO User

unraid-api sso remove-user
# or
unraid-api sso remove
# or
unraid-api sso r

Remove a user (or all users) from SSO.

List SSO Users

unraid-api sso list-users
# or
unraid-api sso list
# or
unraid-api sso l

List all configured SSO users.

Validate SSO Token

unraid-api sso validate-token <token>
# or
unraid-api sso validate
# or
unraid-api sso v

Validates an SSO token and returns its status.

Report Generation

Generate Report

unraid-api report [-r] [-j]

Generate a system report.

  • -r, --raw: Display raw command output
  • -j, --json: Display output in JSON format


  1. Most commands require appropriate permissions to modify system state
  2. Some commands require the API to be running or stopped
  3. Store API keys securely as they provide system access
  4. SSO configuration changes may require a service restart